Fact: You are about to discover How To Use 100% FREE Energy for your home with a device invented by the father of Electricity - Nikola Tesla.
“How Much Money Are Your Giving Away To Power Your Home?”
Probably Hundreds (or Thousands) of Dollars per year... Now, what if there was a way to get Unlimited FREE Amounts of Energy whenever you want? And no... I'm not talking about paying a TON on solar panels that'll take 30 years for you to break even on either. You see, about 100 years ago, a genius by the name of Nikola Tesla (who invented the electricity that we still use today) had the audacity to run toe-to-toe with the BIG BOYS in the Energy Industry. In 1934, he had made a shocking announcement:
“Electric Power is Everywhere Present In Unlimited Quantities, It Can Drive The World's Machinery Without The Need Of Coal, Oil, Gas Or Any Other Fuel”
Nikola Tesla
Hearing those words from Tesla made the Multi-Billion dollar Electric Companies GASP! Fearful of losing fortunes stolen from citizens who pay for energy every second, they stopped all funding to Tesla's device and made sure that he does not receive support from anyone else - EVER! Soon after, Tesla died – broke. And, his inventions were never made known. Well...almost!
“Nikola Tesla Files and Free Energy Device Have Been Leaked!”
Two days after Tesla's death, representatives of the Office of Alien Property went back to his residence and seized all his possessions. Later, Dr. John G. Trump, an electrical engineer with the National Defense Research Committee of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, was called in to analyze the Tesla papers in OAP custody. Following a three-day investigation, Dr. Trump concluded: “His [Tesla's]thoughts and efforts during at least the past 15 years were primarily of a speculative, philosophical, and somewhat promotional character often concerned with the production and wireless transmission of power; but did not include new, sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.” John G. Trump also commented that Tesla failed to invent anything that can be of any practical use.
“How Possible Could This Be When Considering That Nikola Tesla Obtained Around 300 Patents Worldwide For His Inventions?”
Many years went by and the Secret Device was forgotten for over 100 years... Luckily, just recently, Tesla's Secret Device that has been kept hidden for so long has been Leaked. Scientists and Inventors worldwide didn't wait long and took the Leaked information to start building FREE Energy Devices - Nikola Tesla's Dream has Finally come true. With Nikola Tesla Secret™, you’ll get...
“FREE Electricity? But How Is This Possible?”
Nikola Tesla's pictured the sun as an immense ball of electricity, positively charged with a potential of some 200 billion volts. The earth, on the other hand, is charged with negative electricity. The tremendous electrical force between these two bodies constituted, at least in part, what he called cosmic energy. It varied from night to day and from season to season but it is always present. The positive particles are stopped at the ionosphere, and between it and the negative charges in the ground, there is a large difference of voltage - something on the order of 360,000 volts. The region between the ground and the edge of space traps a great deal of energy. But, despite the large size of the planet, it is electrically charged like a capacitor. Keeping positive and negative charges apart by using the air as an insulator. Here are just a few of the topics covered in Nikola Tesla Secret™:
“Used By Over 236,000 People in 160 Countries!”
Over 236,000 people in 160 countries have already used Nikola Tesla Secret™ successfully! As a matter of fact, we plotted a map with our United States readers...SEE BELOW! Unfortunately, we couldn't plot our international readers as well because otherwise the map would be too large. As you can see, the above map displays all our United States readers, plotted using their ZIP codes. Up to date, We've had over 236,000 people in 160 countries. Besides that, Nikola Tesla Secret™ has the lowest refund rates in the entire industry: 94.9% of our readers are satisfied with Nikola Tesla Secret™, while only 5.1% have refunded the program. This prove that if you use Nikola Tesla Secret™, you WILL succeed... plain and simple!
“Get Started And Start Saving! ”
If you remember, the first time information like this leaked out, the inventor was shut down pretty fast. Therefore, after we get the Nicola Tesla Secret out, we've got no control over what happens next. But, we're willing to take a risk here. We're releasing this secret because this technology has been around far too long and can help far too many people save money while the power companies continue to ROB people during a poor economy. Yes. I'm talking about an economy where a lot of people are out of jobs and don't have the money to pay for increasing electricity bills made by the GREEDY power companies. Just think at how many hundreds of dollars a month you can save. That's thousands per year if you had your own source of free energy! The things you can do with that extra money are... endless. But, even though we understand the HUGE and long-term cost savings, the Nikola Tesla Secret™ can save you over time, we still want your investment to be a bargain. Now for the surprise!
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